Option Trading Techniques & Strategies India

Option Trading Techniques & Strategies India

tock market is one of the greatest wealth generators for investors. In fact, if the trading is done in the right way, the capital can grow manifold. Thus, it is very important to have the right knowledge and skills to carry out stock trading. One such strategy to earn money in the stock market is options trading. With the right option trading strategies in India, one can earn good returns on regular basis. Therefore, in this article, we shall learn about the concept of option trading, its strategies, techniques, formula, and much more.

Firstly, let us learn about the meaning of Options

Meaning of Options Trading

Options are a derivative security. In stock option, one party sells it to another party. The option buyer has the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a stock at the agreed price within a certain time period.

Some of the common options trading techniques or options trading tips and tricks.

List of Easy Nifty Option Trading Strategies India

Buying Calls

Buying call options are one of the easiest and popular ways to enter the option market. This strategy is popular because the loss is very less and profits are high.

Buying Puts

When the traders feel that the market will go against the views of the call option buyer they buy the put option. In fact, it is bought with the belief that the price of the stock will move downward. Furthermore, it is one of the most favourite trading styles for those who like speculation and short selling in the stock.

Bull Call Spread

Bull Call Spread Strategy involves buying a call option at a specific price and selling a call option at a specific higher strike price. In this, the trader expects a moderate rise in the price of the stock. The profit and loss in this strategy depend on the closing price of the stock on the day of the expiry of the contract.

Option trading formula for bull call spread strategy = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Premium Collected Per Share) – (Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry)]

Bear Put Spread

This strategy is exactly the opposite of the bull call spread. In fact, in this formula, the trader buys a put option at a specific strike price and sells the identical number of puts at a lower strike price. Here the trader holds a bearish view on the stock and believes that the stock price shall fall moderately.

the formula for bear spread = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Put On  Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Premium Collected Per Share) – (Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry)]

Protective Collar

It is one of the most common and popular option trading techniques for beginners. This strategy involves buying and selling the same number of out of the money put and call options at the same time.

Also, Learn – Intraday Trading Strategies

the formula for protective collar = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Initial Premium Collected Per Share) – (Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry)]

Long Straddle

It is one of the simplest nifty option strategies for any new trader. A long straddle involves buying of call and put option at the same strike price, same expiry period, and same underlying asset. This strategy is for those who believe that the price of a stock will move up.

the formula for long straddle = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)]

Long Strangle

Long Strangle is similar to the long straddle. However, there is a difference that differentiates a long strangle option trading technique. In fact, in this strategy buying of call and put option is done with different strike prices. The underlying asset and period of expiry remain the same. This strategy is for those who believe that there will be a large price movement in the stock price.

the formula for long strangle = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)]

Butterfly Spread

The butterfly spread is technical. It is a combination of bull and bear spread. It is a three-leg strategy in which trade is taken at 3 different strike prices using calls and puts.

the formula for butterfly trading = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + 2 *Contract Size [(Initial Premium Collected Per Share)] – (Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry)] + Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)]

Iron Condor

Iron Condor strategy is one of the most complex nifty options trading strategies in India for beginners. This strategy is a combination of buying long and short positions in two different strangle strategies. This is best when the stock has low volatility and small profits are the target.

the formula for iron condor = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Initial Premium Collected Per Share)] – (Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry)] + + Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Initial Premium Collected Per Share)] – (Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry)]

Iron Butterfly

Iron Butterfly is another popular option trading strategy for the new traders. It involves either a long or short straddle with buying or selling of strangling.

the formula for iron butterfly = Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Initial Premium Collected Per Share)] – (Cost Of Per Share In Call On Expiry)] + Contract Size [(Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry) – (Initial Premium Paid Per Share)] + Contract Size [(Initial Premium Collected Per Share)] – (Cost Of Per Share In Put On Expiry)]

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